What is the GTA?
The Gateway Tenants Association is a volunteer organization that informs its members and all Gateway tenants, and advances mutual interests including the preservation of rent control. We meet with Gateway management to discuss tenant concerns; keep track of neighborhood developments that affect our quality of life; and promote social events that allow residents to meet and share common interests. The GTA was founded in 1982 and has been a vocal advocate for the neighborhood and renters from day one.
Please join us! The larger our membership, the more impact we can make on our corner of San Francisco. You can follow our activities here:
Website: gatewaytenants.org
Facebook: search for GTA Tenants
NextDoor: search for Gateway Tenants
Member Emails
Join or Renew your GTA Membership Today!
We are a volunteer organization with no paid staff. A Board of Directors elected at an annual membership meeting each February governs the organization. Our accomplishments are made possible only by member dues.
Join or renew by mail:
Mail a check payable to: GTA
155 Jackson St #1504, San Francisco, CA 94111
- Please include:
- Name, Email, Phone, Bldg and Apt #
- 1 year $25; 2 years $45; 3 years $60; 5 years $100
Thank you for your support!
Membership Includes:
Invitations to socials, including our monthly Happy Hour gatherings.
Email newsletters with information about events and issues at the Gateway and within the neighborhood.
Comfort of knowing GTA’s first mission is to protect your rent control.
Membership in a watchdog community group that keeps a keen eye on any developments that may affect our quality of life, for better or worse.
Ability to directly liaise with your GTA Building Representative to facilitate building-wide communications when needed.